
Scientific name: Linum usitatissimum L.
Bangla/Local Name: ‘Tisi’, ‘Masina’
Taxonomic Position (According to Cronquist (1981)
Kingdom | : Plantae |
Phylum | : Magnoliophyta |
Class | : Magnoliopsida |
Subclass | : Rosidae |
Order | : Euphorbiales |
Family | : Linaceae |
Genus | : Linnum |
Species | : L. usitatissimum |
Botanical Description of Linseed
Habit: Annual herb
Stem: Erect, glabrous, 60-120 cm height, branches ascending towards the apex.
Leaf: Alternate, simple, narrow, linear-lanceolate, exstipulate
Inflorescence: Scorpiod cyme
Flower: Regular, hermaphrodite, hypoynous
Calyx: Sepal 5, persistent, aestivation quincuncial
Corolla: Petal 5, polypetalous,
Androecium: Stamen 10 arranged in two whorls
Gynoecium: Carpel 5, syncarpous, ovary superior
Fruit: Capsule
Seed: Flat, shining
Chromosome number: 2n= 30
Economic Importance
Seeds produce edible oil, which has some medicinal values, the oilcake is used as cattle feed. Fiber is also produced from the stem, used for cloth, ropes etc.
Linseed variety released by BARI