It was released in 2007. It is a high yielding early maturing aman variety with medium long and fine grain. Duration is 110-120 days in am an season. It can also be grown in aus and boro seasons. For early maturity it facilitates growing of potato, pulses, mustard/rapeseed, wheat and winter vegetables. Plants are medium with 95 cm height and do not lodge. Maximum yield potential is 6.5 t ha-1 and average yield is 4.8 tha-1• It is tolerant to brown plant hopper.
Dear sir
Good Day
How can i get Binadhan 7 seeds or what is the procedure to get Binadhan 7 seeds?
Dear Radhesh Sarkar,
Thanks for your keen interest of Binadhan-7. For seed plz. contact to following address:
Director General
Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA)
PO Box 4
MObile: ০১৭১-৬২৮০৭২০
Dear sir
Thanks for your valuable information.