Indian Spinach

Indian Spinach
Scientific name: Basella alba L.
Bangla/local name: ‘Puishak’
Taxonomic Position According to Cronquist (1981)
Kingdom | Plantae |
Division | Magnoliophyta |
Class | Magnoliopsida |
Order | Caryophyllalase
Family | Basellaceae
Genus | Basella |
Species | B. alba |
Botanical Description of Indian Spinach
Habit: Perennial fleshy twining herb
Root: Tap root
Stem: Much branched fleshy twiner
Leaf: Simple, fleshy, petiolate, alternate
Inflorescence: Raceme or spike on a long peduncle
Flower: Actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, regular, Carpel 3, syncarpous, ovary superior.
Fruit: Berry
Table 1.: Indian spinach varieties developed by HRC, BARI
Serial Number | Name of variety | Released by | Year of Release | Planting time | Yield (t/ha) |
1 | BARI Puisak-1 | HRC, BARI | 1999 | Year round | 50-75 |
2 | BARI Puisak-2 | HRC, BARI | 2006 | Kharif season | 50-75 |
Economic Importance
Used as vegetable