
Scientific name: Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.
Bangla/local name: ‘Anarash’
Taxonomic Position According to Cronquist (1981)
Kingdom : Plantae
Division : Magnoliophyta
Class :Liliopsida
Subclass :Zingiberidae
Order :Bromeliales
Family :Bromeliaceae
Genus :Ananas
Species :comosus
Botanical Description of the Pineapple
Habit: Perennial, monocotyledonous herb.
Root: Some time epiphytic, fibrous root system.
Stem: Short, stout stem
Leaf: Bearing a rosette of waxy, pointed leaves, arranged in a tight spiral, leaf margin up curved spines.
Inflorescence: Terminal head, spike or panicle, the apex of the inflorescence is vegetative which consist of a compact tuft of small, short, stiff leaves, called a crown, and may be used as propagating materials.
Flower: Sessile, hermaphrodite sometime unisexual, actinomorphic.
Androecium: Stamen 6, mostly inserted into the base of the perianth.
Gynoecium: Carpel 3, syncarpous, placentation axile, ovary superior or some time inferior.
Table 1. Pineapple variety cultivated in Bangladesh
Sl. No. | Name of Variety | Developed by | Growing Season | Yield (t/ha) |
1 | Honey Queen
| – | Kharif | 25-30 |
2 | Jiant Que (Kelenga)
| – | Kharif | 30-40 |
3 | Gorashal | – | Kharif | – |
4 | Jaldubi
| – | Kharif | – |