Scientific name: Malus pumlia
Bangla name: Apple
Taxonomic Position of Apple according to Cronquist (1981)
Kingdom :Plantae
Division :Magnoliophyta
Class :Magnoliopsida
Subclass :Rosidae
Order :Rosales
Family :Rosaceae
Genus : Malus
Species : M. pumlia
Botanical Description of Apple
Habit: Perennial tree, shape may be pyramids, dwarf, bushes, or cordons.
Root: Tap root system
Stem: When it is grown as tree can be tall as 10 m.
Leaf: Simple, elliptical-ovate with finely serrated to irregular toothed.
Inflorescence: The flower occurs in truss
Flower: Complete, petals 5 and color may be white or pink.
Fruit: Pome