Main Features of the Variety

Developed byBangladesh Agriculture Research Institute(BARI), Gazipur, Bangladesh
Method of development/originBARI maize -7  was introduce Bangladesh a genetic line in 2002   from  selected genetic line which was collected from International Maize and Wheat improvement center (CIMMYT), Mexico.
Year of release 1998
Main characteristics It is high yielding composite variety. Plant stout and vigorous growth. Presence in deep anthocyanin and 1st   leaf sheath and also strong pigmentation in leaf sheath at 2-leaf stage. Plant strong, heavy and hard, ear are, heavy , top of ear with coating, plant height 190-194 cm, ear  medium and height 85-95cm. Kernels are  yellow, dent shape and large, 1000 kernel weight 360g.  Crop duration 154-155 days and 100-105 days in karif season.
Planting season and time Mid November to mid- December
YieldYield in Rabi season 6.0-7.00t/ha and 5.0-6 t/ha in Kharif season


Resistance/toleranceTolerant to leaf blight disease.


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