

Scientific name: Hordium vulgare L.

Local names: ‘Jab’, ‘Jau’








Taxonomic Position According to Cronquist (1988)

SpeciesH. vulgare

Figure: Field view of barley


Botanical Description of Barley

Habit: An annual grass


Figure: A hill of barley

Root: Fibrous root system

Stem: Culms 60-120 cm tall, erect, glabrous.

Leaf: Leaf blades linear, 5-40 x 0.4- 1.5 cm, flat, scaberulous, with 2 auricles at the base, ligules 1-3 mm long, truncate, sheaths loose, completely glabrous, striate.

Inflorescence: A terminal, solitary spike, 6-12 cm long excluding the awns, erect at first and curved afterwards, spikelets on opposite sides of the rachis, rachis nondisarticulating, puberulent along the margin.

Spikelet: Spikelets in threes, seated in the cavities of the inarticulate rachis, 1-flowered or the lateral imperfect, central spikelets 8-12 mm long excluding the awns, sessile. Glumes 2, persistent, 7-8 mm long including the awn, subulate, 1-nerved, puberulent at the base. Lateral florets bisexual or male, central florets bisexual. Lemmas lanceolate, 9-11 x 3 mm, indurate, 5-nerved, scabrous on the nerves toward the tip, otherwise glabrous, awn 6-15 cm long. Paleas 8-10 mm long, deeply folded between the keels, puberulent.


Figure: Spike of barley

Perianth: Lodicules 2.

Androecium: Stamens 3, anthers c 1.5 mm long.

Gynoecium: Stigmas white.

Fruit: Caryopsis ovoid or narrowly oblong, 8-10 x 3 mm, grooved in front,  tightly enclosed in the lemmas and paleas, embryo small.



Figure: Grain of Barley

Economic importance: Grain is used in brewing beer. It is widely used as a feed for livestock . Grains are useful in bronchitis, biliousness, asthma, ulcer, anemia and also used in the dietary of the sick.


Table 1. Barley varieties developed by BARI, Joydebpur, Bangladesh 


Serial NumberName of variety Developed byGrowing seasonAverage yield

(t ha-1)

1BARI Barley-1Plant Breeding Division, BARIRabi2.0-2.5
2BARI Barley-2Plant Breeding Division, BARIRabi2.0-2.75
3BARI Barley-3Plant Breeding Division, BARIRabi2.0-2.50
4BARI Barley-4Plant Breeding Division, BARIRabi1.75-2.0
5BARI Barley-5Plant Breeding Division, BARIRabi2.5-3.0
6BARI Barley-6Plant Breeding Division, BARIRabi2.5-2.75
7BARI Barley-7Plant Breeding Division, BARIRabi2.2-2.5
8BARI Barley-8Plant Breeding Division, BARIRabi2.20 – 2.51
9BARI Barley-9Plant Breeding Division, BARIRabi2.20



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