Variety: BJRI VM-1

Popular/Local name: Chukur

Main Features of the Variety


Developed byBangladesh Jute Research Institute,  Bangladesh
Method of development/originPure line selection
Year of release 2010
Main characteristics Stem coppery red with branches, leaf lobed, dark green, smooth, sour and tasty, leaf margin weavy, flower yellow, inside middle deep brown, leaf and calyx are edible, fruit capsule. Fruit is called chukur which is used for cooking and the preparation of jam, jelly etc. Field duration 100 days for vegetable.
Planting season and timeFirst  April to late  June
Harvesting time/Days to maturity150 days
Yield(t/ha)Green leaves 7789 , Valyx 2000-2055
Resistance/toleranceDrought and Nematode resistance


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