Plant Ecology : CBT465

Plant Ecology : CBT465

Course Outline


Course Code: CBT 465

Course Name: Plant Ecology

Offering Term: Winter

Credit Hours: 4.5


THEORITICAL (3.0 Cr. Hrs.)
Lec#1Concept, Importance and Branches of Ecology
Lec#2Environmental/ecological factors: Light
Lec#3Environmental/ecological factors: Temperature
Lec#4Environmental/ecological factors: Water
Lec#5Environmental/ecological factors: Precipitations
Lec#6Environmental/ecological factors: Wind
Lec#7Environmental/ecological factors: Natural Disasters
Lec#8Environmental/ecological factors: Biological Interactions
Lec#9Ecosystem: Concept, Characteristics, Classification and Services
Lec#10Ecosystem: Composition and Function of ecosystems
Lec#11Ecosystem: Components of different ecosystems
Lec#12Ecosystem: Food chain, Food web, Trophic level, Ecological pyramids and Energy flow
Lec#13Population Ecology: Definition, Characteristics and Structure of plant population
Lec#14Community Ecology: Concept and Characteristics
Lec#15Community Ecology: Composition/structure
Lec#16Weather and climate: Macro and Micro climate, World climate
Lec#17Weather and climate: Climatic classification of Bangladesh
Lec#18Plant succession: Definition, types, causes and steps of succession
Lec#19Plant succession: Process of succession- Xerosere (Lithosere/Psammosere)
Lec#20Plant succession: Process of succession- Hydrosere, Halosere
Lec#21Vegetation Analysis
Lec#22Interactions among populations
Lec#23Intra- and inter-specific competition
Lec#24Adaptation of plants in different habitats
Lec#25Plant adaptation to adverse condition
Lec#26Plant biodiversity
Lec#27Phytogeography: plant distribution, plant conservation and preservation
Lec#28Environmental Pollution: Causes and remedies
Lec#29Greenhouse effects: Causes and remedies
Lec#30Causes of depletion of forest in Bangladesh and possible remedies




PRACTICAL(1.5 Cr. Hrs.)
Expt. No.Name of the ExperimentRemarks
Expt.#1Study of the adaptive features of Hydrophytes (Water hyacinth)
Expt.#2Study of the adoptive features of Xerophytes (Karabi)
Expt.#3Study of the adoptive features of Xerophytes (Jhau)
Expt.#4Study on adaptive features of Epiphytes (Rasna)
Expt.#5Study on adaptive features of Parasitic plant (Dodder)
Expt.#6Study of adaptive features of C4 Plant compared to C3 plant
Expt.#7Vegetation analysis and measurement of species diversity using quadrat method


  1. R.W. Jackson and J.M. Jackson. 1996. Environmental Science: The Natural Environment and Human Impact. Longman, Essex.
  2. Gopal and N. Bhardwaj. 1998. Elements of Ecology. Vikas Pub., Sahidabad.
  3. J. Kormondy. 1996. Concepts of Ecology. 4th edn. Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi.
  4. P. Odum. 1971. Fundamentals of Ecology. 3rd edn. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia.
  5. D. Kumar. 1995. General Ecology. Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
  6. D. Sharma. 1999. Ecology and Environment. Kalyani Pub., New Delhi.
  7. S. Ambhast. 1998. A Text Book of Plant Ecology. Students’ Friends and Co., Varnasi.
  8. C. Tiwari. 1992. Concepts of Modern Ecology. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun, India.
  9. P. Palaniappan. (ed.). 1995. Agricultural Inputs and Environment. Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur, India.

Reference Books and Materials

  • K. Kohli, D.R. Batish and H.P. Singh. Population and Community Ecology.


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