Family Cucurbitaceae

Popular name- Gourd family

Origin and Distribution

The family Cucurbitaceae consists of about 110 genera and 700 species, widespread in tropical and subtropical regions. In Bangladesh, this family is represented by 21 genera and 39 species.

Taxonomic Position (According to Cronquist)

Kingdom              : Plantae

Division                : Magnoliophyta

Class                     : Magnoliopsida

Sub-class              : Dilleniidae

Order                    : Violales

Family                  :Cucurbitaceae


Table 1. Economic important plants of Cucurbitaceae family





Bangla name/local nameEnglish nameScientific nameUsefullness



1Khira, Shasha.CucumberCucumis sativus L.Vegetable
2Chichinga.Snake gourd


Trichosanthes anguina L.Vegetable
3Lau, Kodu,Bottle gourd


Lagenaria vulgaris SeringeVegetable
4Chalkumra.White gourd


Benincasa hispidaVegetable


Cucurbita maxima Duch.Vegetable
6Karala.Bitter gourdMomordica charantia L.Vegetable


Sponge gourd


Luffa cylindricaVegetable
8JhingaRibbed gourd


Luffa acutangulaVegetable
9PotolPointed gourdTrichosanthus diociaVegetable
10KakrolTeasel gourdMomordica cochinchinensis



11BangiMelonCucumis meloVegetable
12TormuzWater melonCitrullus lanatusDessert