Levant cotton
English name: Levant cotton
Scientific name: Gossypium herbacium L.
Bangla/local name: Karpas tula
Taxonomic position (according to Cronquist)
Kingdom : Plantae
Division :Magnoliophyta
Class : Magnoliopsida
Subclass :Dilleniidae
Order : Malvales
Family : Malvaceae
Genus : Gossypium
Species : herbacium
Botanical Description of Levant Cotton
Habit: Annual herb or under shrub
Root: Tap root system, much branched
Stem: Erect, woody in mature, branched
Leaf: petiolate, ovate-round, cordate, palmately lobed
Inflorescence: Solitary axillary
Flower: Complete, hermaphrodite,
Fruit: Capsule
Economic Importance: Cottons belonging to this species constitute a fairly large percentage of medium staple cotton that is utilized commercially for low quality fabrics, carpets and blankets and is especially suitable for blending with wool. In India, the cotton seeds are medicinally used for abortion, the herbaceous parts contain much mucilage and are used as a demulcent.