Family: Malvaceae
Popular name: The Mallow Family
Taxonomic Position (according to Cronquist)
Kingdom : Plantae
Division :Magnoliophyta
Class :Magnoliopsida
Subclass :Dilleniidae
Order :Malvales
Family :Malvaceae
Identifying Characters of the Family
- Presence of stellate or tuffed hairs on the vegetative parts
- Presence of mucilage cavities
- Stipulate, palmately lobed leaves
- Stamens monoadelphous
- Stamens epipetalous
- Pollen spiny, multiporate
- Placentation is axile
- Fruit capsule or schzocarpic
Table Economically important plants of Malvaceae Family
Serial No. | English name | Bangla name | Scientific name | Plant parts used | Usefulness |
1 | Comilla Cotton/Tree cotton | KarpusTula | Gossypium arboretum L. | Fruit | Cotton |
2 | Levant cotton | KarpusTula | G. herbaceum L. | Fruit | Cotton
3 | American cotton/upland cotton | KarpusTula | G. hirsutum L. | Fruit | Cotton |
4 | China cotton/ Kidney cotton | Kidney Tula | G. barbadense var. acuminatum (Roxb. Ex G Don) | Fruit | Cotton |
5 | Kenaf Hemp | Mesta Pat | Hibiscus cannabinus L. | Stem | Fiber |
6 | Roselle | Mesta Pat/ chukur | H. sabdariffa L. | Stem, leaf | Fiber vegetable |
7 | Prickly Hibiscus | Shata-kanta | H. radiatus L. | Stem | Fiber vegetable |
8 | China rose | Joba | H. rosa-sinensis L. | Flower | Ornamental
9 | Okra | Dherosh | Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench | Fruit | Vegetable |
10 | Whorled Malva | Napashakh | Malva verticillata L. | Leaf | Vegetable |