Family: Myrtaceae
Popular name: The Myrtal Family
Taxonomic Position According to Cronquist
Kingdom | Plantae |
Division | Magnoliophyta |
Class | Magnoliopsida |
Subclass | Rosidae |
Order | Myrtales |
Family | Myrtaceae |
Botanical Description of the Family
Habit: Shrubs or small to large tree
Root: Tap root system
Stem: Stem cylindrical, bark is smoothed or may be rough, white, grey black in color, stem is branched
Leaf: Simple, generally opposite, rarely alternate phyllotaxy. Leaf is petiolated, margin entire
Inflorescence: Axillary or terminal, flower some time solitary
Flower: hermaphrodite, actinomorphic
Calyx: Calyx tube campanulate or urceolate, rarely subglobose, persistent
Corolla: Petal 4 or 5, rarely 6, usually free
Androecium: Stamens many, epigynous, filaments free
Gynoecium: Ovary inferior, 2-5 celled or bundle
Fruit: Fleshy berry
Table 1. Economically Important Plants of this Family
Serial Number | Local name | English name | Scientific name | Usefulness |
1 | Bottle brush | Red bottle brush | Callistemon citrinus (Curtis) Skeels | Ornamental |
2 | Eucalyptus | Timor white gum | Eucalyptus alba | Ornamental |
3 | Tock piyara | Sour guava | Psidium araca | Fruit |
4 | Chinese Piyara | Not known | Psidium chinense | Fruit |
5 | Piyara, Sabri aam | Guava | Psidium guajava | Fruit |
6 | Jambo | Water apple | Syzygium aqueum | Fruit |
7 | Buti-jam | Not known | Syzygium balsameum | Fruit |
8 | Lamba nali jam | Grey satinash | Syzygium claviflorum | Fruit |
9 | Khudijam | Not known | Syzygium cymosum | Fruit |
10 | Paniya jam | Not known | Syzygium formosum | Fruit
11 | Gulab jam | Rose apple | Syzygium jambos | Fruit |
12 | Jamrul | Malaya rose apple | Syzygium jambos | Fruit |
13 | Jamrul | Wax jambu, Java apple | Syzygium samarangense | Fruit