
Scientific name: Pyrus communis
Bangla/local name: ‘Naspati’
Taxonomic Position of Pear (according to Cronquist, 1981)
Kingdom :Plantae
Division :Magnoliophyta
Class :Magnoliopsida
Subclass :Rosidae
Order :Rosales
Family :Rosaceae
Genus : Pyrus
Species : P. communis
Botanical Description of Pear
Habit: Perennial tree, height may be up to 25 m.
Root: Tap root system
Stem: Erect and pendulous.
Leaf: Simple, alternate, ovate with finely serrated margin.
Inflorescence: The flower occurs in cluster.
Flower: Complete, calyx tubule, petals 5 and color may be white.
Fruit: Pome
Table 1. Pear variety developed by HRC, BARI, Gazipur, Bangladesh
Serial Number | Name of Variety | Developed by | Year of Release | Planting time | Yield (t/ha) |
1 | BARI Naspati-1 | HRC, BARI | 2003 | June-September | 6-7 |