
Scientific name : Sesamum indicum L.
Local name: ‘Til’
Taxonomic position According to Cronquist (1988)
Kingdom : Plantae
Division : Magnoliophyta
Class :Magnoliopsida
Subclass : Rosidae
Order : Scrophulariales
Family : Pedaliaceae
Genus :Sesamum
Species :S. indicum
Botanical Description (brief)
Root: tap root system
Stem: an erect herb
Leaf: simple, petiolated
Inflorsence: solitary, axillary
Flower: complete, zygomorphic
Calyx: sepal 5 polysepalous
Corolla: petal 5 united the base
Androecium: stamen 4, epipetalous
Gynoecium: ovary superior, carpel 2, syncarpous
Fruit: capsule
Chromosome number: 2n=26
Economic importance: seeds are edible, used for different food items, sesame oil is edible.
Table 1. Sesame varieties released by BINA, Mymensingh and BARI, Joydebpur Bangladesh
Serial Number | Name of varieties | Developed by | Year of release | Growing Season | Average yield |
1 | T-6 | BARI, Joydebpur | 1976 | Kharif | 0.95-1.10 t/ha |
2 | BARI Til-2 | BARI, Joydebpur | 2001 | Kharif | 1.2-1.3 t/ha |
3 | BARI Til-3 | BARI, Joydebpur | 2002 | Kharif | 1.2-1.4 t/ha |
4 | BARI Til-4 | BARI Joydebpur | 2009 | Kharif | 1.4-1.5 t/ha |
5 | Binatil1 | BINA, Mymensingh | 2004 | Kharif-1 | 1.3 t/ha |
6 | Binatil2 | BINA, Mymensingh | 2011 | Kharif-1 | 1.4 t/ha |
7 | Binatil3 | BINA, Mymensingh | 2013 | Kharif-1 | 1.5 t/ha |