

Scientific name: Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze

English name: Tea

Local names: Cha, Cha Gachh.






Taxonomic Position According to Cronquist (1988)

SpeciesC. sinensis


Botanical Description of Tea 

Habit:A shrub or small tree, young stem and branches glabrous.

Leaves:Leaves alternate, 4-25 x 1.5-6.0 cm, obovate-lanceolate, serrate, obtuse to shortly cuspidate-acuminate at the apex, cuneate at the base, membranous to coriaceous, glabrous above, hairy beneath, petioles short.

Flowers:Flowers white, axillary, solitary or in fascicles of 2-6, fragrant, petioles 6-10 mm long, bracteoles 2-3, caducous. Sepals 5-7, unequal, persistent.Petals 5-7, white, ovate, broadly ovate to orbicular, concave.

Androecium:Stamens 100-300, each 8-10 mm long, outer ones connate at the base and adnate to the base of petals, glabrous, inner ones free, anthers 2-celled, yellow.

Gynoecium:Ovary superior, 3-5 locular, densely hairy, ovules 4-6 in each locule, styles 5-7 mm long, glabrous or rarely sparsely hairy.

Fruits:Fruit a sub-globose capsule, 3-seeded.

Table 1. Tea Varieties Developed by Bangladesh Tea Research Institute, Srimangol, Bangladesh

Sl. No.Name of VarietyYear of ReleaseLeaf Yield (t/ha)View
1BTS 119853.22 View
2BTS 219853.38 View
3BTS320013.89 View
4BTS 420013.89 View
5BT 119663.3 View
6BT 219753.63 View
7BT 319753.43 View
8BT 419812.58View
9BT 519872.81 View
10BT 619872.92 View
11BT 719912.79 View
12BT 819923.32 View
13BT 919943.78View 
14BT 1019954.6View
15BT 1119993.63 View
16BT 1220004.02 View
17BT 1320004.02 View
18BT 1420023.45 View
19BT 1520023.74 View
20BT 1620033.6 View
21BT 1720063.9 View
22BT 1820103.74 View

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