Family- Zingiberacae (Zinger family)
Taxonomic Position (according to Cronquist)
Kingdom : Plantae
Division :Magnoliophyta
Class :Liliopsida
Subclass :Commelinids
Order :Zingiberales
Family : Zingiberacae
Distinguishing characters
Perenneial aromatic herb
Stem modified into rhizome
Leaf contains ligue
Only one stamen is fertile in
Ovary inferior
About 47 genera and 1400 spp. of perennial tropical herbs, usually in the ground flora of lowland forests.
Botanical Description
Habit: A perennial herb
Root: Adventitous root system
Stem: underground rhizome with aroma
Leaf: Simple, sessile, composed of leaf sheath and leaf blade
Inflorescence: Solitary in head
Flower: Zygomorphic, hermaphrodite, epigynous
Perianth: tepal 6, in two whorls
Androecium: Stamen 6 in two whorls
Gynoecium: Carpel 3, syncarpous, ovary inferior
Fruit: Capsule
Two sub-family namely Zingiberoideae and Costoideae