BARI Felon-2

Cow Pea Variety: BARI Felon-2

Main Features of the Variety


Developed byBangladesh Agriculture Research Institute(BARI), Gazipur, Bangladesh
Method of development/originSource IITA, Niagara
Year of release 1996
Main characteristics Leaf and stem color light green and semi erect stature plant. Plant usually straight but due to access food and access water plant will vine. Seed size larger than the local one with ash color  seed coat. Crop duration  120-130 days,75-80gm seed/100 g dry bean, seed  and seed coat ratio 3:1, cooking time 17-22 min.
YieldAverage yield 1.5 t/ha
Resistance/toleranceResistant to powdery mmildew and downy mildew disease.
Quality of the product23.1% protein and 51% carbohydrate

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