BARI Sarisa-13


Main Features of the Variety


Developed byBangladesh Agriculture Research Institute (BARI), Gazipur, Bangladesh
Method of development/originBARI Sarisa-13 was developed by crossing between B. campestris and Swedish B. oleraceae /B. albogleabra
Year of release 2004
Main characteristics Plant height 85-80 cm, 5-6 primary branches are present in each plant, leaf deep green, smooth and not hairy, leaf without petiolel and round half of stem, blooming flower in inflorescence as  downward  position on bud, flower blooming period long, corolla color of flower is yellow, number of siliqua /plant 65-75,

2 chamber are present in pod, seed/siliqua 28-30, seed color pink, 1000 seed weight 3.7-3.9 g.

Planting season and time Rabi season, Mid October to Mid November
Harvesting timeRipening time 90-95 days
Yield2.20-2.80 t/ha
Resistance/toleranceTolerant to moderately waterlog condition.
Quality of the productOil content in seed 42-43%


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